H4H History and why we need your help?
Thank you for your consideration in sponsoring our 9th Annual Pediatric Fundraiser, “Hops 4 Hope”, scheduled for Saturday, September 21st at our Hellertown Brewery & Taproom along with ask for your consideration in being a valued and needed sponsor to ensure another extremely successful event.
Since it’s inception in 2016, Lost Tavern Brewing has looked to give back to our community, near and far. Hops 4 Hope was our first formal event, focused around the fight against Pediatric Cancer, which acted as a true testament to local businesses rallying together for the greater good. The fundraising event raised over $100,000 since 2016, thanks so the support of so many amazing individuals and local companies.
So, what is “Hops 4 Hope”, how are funds raised, and where does the money end up?
Hops 4 Hope established its roots with amazing support from some extremely talented local musicians, donating an hour music performance each throughout one entire Fall day, to bring in an elevated number of patrons which we collected donations at the door in the form of a “cover charge”; The only day of the year that we “charge” for entrance two either of our two taprooms. 100% of the entrance ticket proceeds have been donated, since day one of this annual event. We also organize a large raffle item table with support from local businesses in the area, such as yourselves! Lost Tavern also donates a percentage of sales from the day of the event, more recently focused around one special beer released the weekend of H4H.
Hops 4 Hope was started by Co-Owner, Kenny Rampolla, as an alumnus of Penn State University. While at Penn State, Kenny was loosely involved with THON, the largest run student run philanthropy in the world, but always wished he would have done more during his time in State College… As they say, “it’s never too late”… PSU’s THON ( https://thon.org/why-we-thon/ ) is responsible for raising money each year, to directly assist families affected by this horrible disease. Thank you to the amazing work by so many amazing students across the country, not one family who receives treatment at Penn State Health / Hershey Medical Center has ever received a bill. Kenny started this concept with a handful of text messages to some local musicians he had become friends with through Lost Tavern but with involvement from our entire Lost Tavern Family, have continued to grow this event, year after year. Lost Tavern is also in discussions with local health networks on coordinating additional events through the year focused on Pediatric General Health.
Starting in 2021, we successfully added a new segment of the event, “Pours for a Purpose”, where we reached out to a large group of our friends from the industry to ask for their help, all For The Kids. The idea was simple; Breweries came out with some of their tasty beer, in the form of a donation, and volunteered their time to pour samples to those who purchased tickets to access this festival ground area (situated on Hampton Ave – running alongside our taproom, which is closed down for the day). 100% of ticket sale proceeds are donated from “Pours for a Purpose” as well. This segment of the amazing day has grown to the level where in 2022, we made the decision to move the Pours for a Purpose grounds to our larger space, just down the block to our Production Facility at 720 Main Street, Hellertown.
BUT… that is not enough, not enough to continue raising the bar to help more and more children and their families each and every year – and one day, know we played a critical part, as a community to find a cure. This is where you can help! Hops 4 Hope, has become increasingly expensive with added event sections with extended hours, more staffing required, larger tents rented to plan for rain or shine, more musicians that we look to compensate as best as possible, proper sound equipment to accommodate larger acts, elevated amenities for patrons day of the event, reasonable and improved accommodations for supporters/volunteers of the event who are traveling overnight to donate their product and time, and more..
With great appreciation of your consideration, we have attached our sponsorship opportunities for 2023 Hops 4 Hope. Please feel free to email us atinfo@losttavernbrewing.com (Three owners: Ken & Kenny Rampolla & Anthony Gangi on distribution) if you would like to participate this year. We are also taking raffle donations from all local businesses and although hope you consider one of our sponsorship levels listed on the attached, are extremely appreciative of anything you can offer.
Thank you so very much and we hope to hear back from you soon.
The Lost Tavern Brewing Family